Best Cutting Torches 2018 Buying Guide
A cutting torch is a must-have item in your garage or shed simply because sometimes it’s the only tool for the job. Whether you have seized lag bolts or patches of oxidized steel that need to be removed, a cutting torch easily your best option. Cutting torches aren’t necessarily used just for “emergency” purposes either. They are very useful for crafting, decorating, and whatever other Pinterest projects might arise. So what do you look for in a cutting torch? The very first feature that offers the best return on your investment is versatility. Oxygen-acetylene torches should come with different nozzles and pressure regulating features that allow for not only cutting but also welding, soldering, and brazing. Most users also like portability because not all of your cutting or welding is going to be done in the comfort of your shop. Finally, although a cutting torch is a very valuable tool, it generally isn’t used as much as an air compressor, cordless drill, etc. Consumers want th...